Presentations by Michael Bender

listed by context

[future] [international conferences, symposia & workshops] [national conferences & workshops] [participations] [physics schools] [posters] [invited seminars] [internal seminars]

[talks - chronological list]

The presentations are listed in reverse chronological order.

Future presentations and participations

Talks given at international conferences, symposia, and workshops

  1. The role of symmetries
    Invited introductory talk to a session at the workshop on "The microscopic modelling of odd-mass and odd-odd nuclei"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, 28-31 October 2024.

  2. Multi-reference description of nuclear states
    Invited talk at the 57th Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics "Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape"
    held at Zakopane, Poland, August 25 - September 1, 2024.

  3. Higher-order Skyrme energy density functionals for the description of atomic nuclei
    Invited talk at the "EOS Workshop on the MANASLU project"
    held at Brussels, Belgium, 3-4 April 2024.

  4. Mapping the minefield: problems and challenges within the EDF framework
    Invited introductory lecture at the workshop on Nuclear energy density functional method: going beyond the minefield
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, 20-24 November 2023.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  5. Skyrme functionals with up to four gradients
    Invited talk at the workshop on Nuclear energy density functional method: going beyond the minefield
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, 20-24 November 2023.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  6. An overview of intrinsic nuclear shapes
    Invited talk at the workshop on Physics Opportunities from the RHIC Isobar Run
    Organised by Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S.A., and held online 25-28 January 2022.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  7. The spin-orbit force in mean field approaches
    Invited talk at the "Workshop on Spin-Orbit splitting"
    Organised by the GdR RESANET, France, and held online 15-18 June 2021.

  8. Brisure et restauration de symétries
    Invited talk at the Séminaire de prospectives nationales en physique et astrophysique nucléaire / Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics Town Hall Meeting
    held 30-31 January 2020 at the Abbaye aux Dames, Caen, France.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  9. Construction of nuclear energy density functionals for fission studies
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Future of Theory in Fission"
    held at the University of York, United Kingdom, 14-16 October 2019.

  10. Recent progress in EDF calculations for heavy nuclei
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Laser spectroscopy as a tool for nuclear theories"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, 7-11 October 2019.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  11. Spectroscopic properties of heavy nuclei from self-consistent mean-field models
    Invited talk at the Symposium on "Challenges in theory of heavy nuclei"
    held at the University of York, United Kingdom, 17-20 July 2019.

  12. Energy density functional methods for low-energy nuclear structure and reactions
    Invited talk at the workshop on " Density functionals: from atomic to nuclear systems"
    held at the IPN Lyon, Villeurbanne, France 3-5 June 2019.

  13. Spuriousities in the multi-reference EDF formalism
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Symmetry-breaking versus symmetry-preserving schemes: how to efficiently grasp collective correlations in mesoscopic many-body systems?"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, 13-17 May 2019.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  14. State-of-the-art multi-reference EDF calculations. I. Odd systems
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Symmetry-breaking versus symmetry-preserving schemes: how to efficiently grasp collective correlations in mesoscopic many-body systems?"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, 13-17 May 2019.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  15. Spectroscopic properties of heavy nuclei from self-consistent mean-field calculations
    Invited talk at the workshop on Physics between lead and uranium: in preparation of new experimental campaigns at ISOLDE
    held at KU Leuven, Belgium, April 16-18 2019.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  16. Charge and magnetization distributions of heavy nuclei in energy density functional models
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Electronic atomic factors and hyperfine anomalies for nuclear physics"
    held at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, April 15 2019.

  17. Parametrizing the nuclear EDF: the troubles with and without density dependences
    Invited talk given at the Meeting of Working Group 3 of the GdR Resanet
    held in Saclay, France, November 12-13 2018.
    [transparencies (pdf file)].

  18. Challenges for theories for heavy elements
    Invited talk given at the Ganil Community Meeting
    held in Caen, France, October 8-12 2018.

  19. Skyrme pseudo-potential-based EDF parametrisation for spuriousity-free MR-EDF calculations
    Invited talk at the "FiDiPro Winter Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics"
    held in Jyväskylä, Finland, 12-15 December 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  20. The troubles with and without density dependences
    Talk at the workshop on "The many shapes of nuclear structure"
    held at the Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon, Villeurbanne, November 20th-21st, 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  21. Beyond-mean-field models for the description of shape coexistence
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Shape coexistence and electric monopole transitions in atomic nuclei"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique (ESNT), Saclay, France, October 23-27, 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  22. Time-odd terms in nuclear energy density functionals
    Talk at the workshop on "Prospects on the microscopic description of odd mass nuclei and other multi-quasiparticle excitations with beyond-mean-field and related methods"
    held at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy, September 25-29 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  23. Extended Skyrme interactions
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Landau Fermi liquid theory in nuclear and many-body systems"
    held at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy, 22-26 May 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  24. Description of properties of heavy and very heavy nuclei: mean field and beyond
    Invited talk at the workshop on Physics at the Super Separator Spectrometer S3
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique, Saclay, France, 27 - 30 March 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  25. Coupling of collective and single-particle degrees of freedom in the symmetry-restored Generator Coordinate Method
    Invited talk at the workshop on Pertinent ingredients for Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional calculations
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique, Saclay, France, 27 February - 2 March 2017.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  26. Beyond-mean-field calculations based on time-reversal-invariance-breaking HFB states --- prospects and perspectives
    Invited talk at the workshop on Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory" (SSNET)
    held at Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 7 - 11 November 2016.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  27. Multi-reference energy density functional calculations for nuclear spectroscopy - perspectives and prospects
    Invited talk at the Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics "Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape"
    held at Zakopane, Poland, 28 August - 4 September 2016.

  28. Energy density functional studies of elastic and inelastic scattering off nuclei
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Electron-radioactive ion collisions: theoretical and experimental challenges"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique, Saclay, France, 25-27 April 2016.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  29. Mean-field-based tools for the description of excited states of heavy nuclei
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Advances in experimental and theoretical studies of heavy, very heavy and super-heavy nuclei"
    held at the Espace de Structure et réactions Nucléaires Théorique, Saclay, France, November 16 - 19 2015.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  30. The shell structure and stability of super-heavy nuclei
    Invited talk at the International Conference on "Reflections on the atomic nucleus"
    held in Liverpool, England, July 28-30 2015.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  31. Symmetry Restored GCM Based on Time-Reversal Breaking States
    Invited talk at the workshop on "The future of multi-reference DFT"
    held in Warsaw, Poland, 25-26 of June 2015.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  32. Symmetry-restored mean-field theory for nuclei
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Near-degenerate systems in nuclear structure and quantum chemistry from ab-initio many-body methods"
    held in Saclay, France, March 30 - April 2, 2015.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  33. Towards a predictive Skyrme pseudo-potential-based energy density functional
    Invited talk at the "New developments in nuclear energy-density-functional models"
    held at the Espace de Structure Nucléaire Théorique, CEA Saclay, France, November 24-28 2014.

  34. Symmetry-restored GCM with EDFs: old problems, new developments, future prospects
    Invited talk at the FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting on "Understanding nuclear structure and reactions microscopically, including the continuum"
    held at GANIL, France, March 17-21, 2014.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  35. Generator Coordinate Method based on angular-momentum and particle-number projected cranked and/or blocked HFB states
    Talk at the NESQ-FIDIPRO mini-workshop on "Energy Density Functionals and optimization"
    held at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, November 19-21 2013.

  36. Towards a predictive Skyrme pseudo-potential-based energy density functional: formal aspects
    Talk at the NESQ-FIDIPRO mini-workshop on "Energy Density Functionals and optimization"
    held at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, November 19-21 2013.

  37. From Promesse to Esperance: Prospects of a global microscopic model of nuclear structure and the ongoing evolution of expectancies about its requirements
    Talk at the Symposium in honour of Paul-Henri Heenen
    held at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, October 31, 2013.

  38. Symmetry-restored GCM with EDFs: new developments, problems, perspectives
    Invited talk at the program on Quantitative Large Amplitude Shape Dynamics: Fission and Heavy Ion Fusion (INT-13-3)
    held at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA, September 23 - November 15, 2013.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  39. The structure of super-heavy nuclei
    Invited talk at the XXXIII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics on "Frontiers in Nuclear Physics"
    held in Piaski, Poland, September 1-7, 2013.

  40. Shell and pairing gaps: theory
    Presentation at the workshop on "Nuclear Structure and Astrophysical Applications"
    held at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy, July 8-12 2013.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  41. Spectroscopic properties of low-lying states as calculated with mean-field-based methods: status and perspectives
    Invited talk at the 3rd EGAN workshop
    held at the University of Liverpool, England, June 24-27 2013.
    (25+5 min)

  42. Mass models based on self-consistent mean fields: Role of explicit correlations
    Invited talk at the 530. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "Nuclear masses and nucleosynthesis",
    held in Bad Honnef, Germany, April 23-26, 2013.
    (40+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  43. Multi-reference energy density functional calculations: status, challenges and perspectives
    Invited talk at the program on Computational and Theoretical Advances for Exotic Isotopes in the Medium Mass Region (INT-13-1a)
    held at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA, March 25 - April 19, 2013.
    (50+10 minutes) [transparencies (pdf)]

  44. On the description of (static) fission barriers with self-consistent mean-field models
    THEORY-2 Invited talk at the Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Fission dynamics and the Emission of Prompt Neutrons and Gamma Rays
    held at Biarritz, France, 28-30 November 2012.

  45. The description of shape coexistence in proton-rich nuclei: status and perspectives
    Invited talk at the workshop "ECOS 2012: Advances and challenges in nuclear physics with high intensity stable beams"
    held at Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, Italy, June 18-21, 2012.
    (25+5 minutes) [transparencies (pdf)]

  46. Structure of superheavy nuclei
    Invited plenary talk at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
    San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., May 27 - June 1, 2012.
    (25+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  47. Understanding SHE: relevant model developments
    Invited talk at the first ENSAR-ECOS Workshop on FUture Super-Heavy Element Strategy - FUSHE 2012
    Sporthotel Erbismühle, Weilrod, Germany, 13-16 May 2012.

  48. Structure of transactinide nuclei, mainly from a Skyrme HFB standpoint
    Talk at the FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting on "The Structure of Heavy Nucleii"
    GANIL, Caen, France, April 16-17, 2012.
    (30+ minutes) [transparencies (pdf)]

  49. The impact of static deformation and fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom on separation energies around shell closures
    Invited talk at the Workshop on "The shell evolution and the role of correlations in very neutron rich nuclei"
    held at the ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, October 24-26 2011.
    (25+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)

  50. Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional Theory: Status and perspectives
    Invited talk at the Yukawa International Seminar on Dynamics and Correlations in Exotic Nuclei (DCEN2011)
    held at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 20th September - 28th October 2011
    (60 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  51. Regularized Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional Calculations
    Invited talk at the international workshop on "Restoring broken symmetries within the nuclear Energy Density Functional method"
    held at the Espace de Structure Nucléaire Théorique, CEA Saclay, France, September 13-15 2011.

  52. Functionals, deformations and fluctuations: The quest for a universal model of low-energy nuclear structure and dynamics
    Invited talk at the Symposium in honour of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Paul-Gerhard Reinhard
    Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, Germany, 10 June 2011.

  53. The information about nuclear structure contained in binding energy differences
    Talk at the International Conference on "Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science" - ARIS 2011
    Leuven, Belgium, 29 May 2011 to 3 June 2011.
    (12+3 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  54. Toward nuclear spectroscopy with energy density functionals: Symmetry-restored Generator Coordinate Method based on a self-consistent mean field
    Talk at the FUSTIPEN Inauguration and First FUSTIPEN Workshop "Bridging the Atlantic with Exotic Isotope Physics"
    held at GANIL, Caen, France, January, 18-19, 2011
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  55. Recent developments in symmetry-breaking and symmetry restoration in mean-field based models of nuclear structure
    Invited talk at the Workshop on "Searches for CP-and T-Violation in Atoms and Nuclei"
    held at ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, November 15-19, 2010.

  56. Regularization of Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional Calculations
    Invited talk at the 17th Nuclear Physics Workshop "Maria and Pierre Curie" on "Symmetry and symmetry breaking in nuclear physics"
    Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, September 22-26, 2010
    (30+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  57. Mean field and beyond: tools for the description of complex heavy nuclei
    Workshop on "Day1 experiment and theory @ SPIRAL2" GANIL, Caen, France, June 24-25, 2010.
    (15+5 min) [in2p3-00497107]

  58. Pairing from quasi-local Skyrme energy density functionals
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Superfluidity in nuclear matter, finite nuclei and ultra-cold Fermion gases"
    Espace de Structure Nucléaire Théorique, CEA Saclay, France, 31 May - 4 June 2010.
    (40+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00525601]

  59. The impact of static deformation and fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom on separation energies around shell closures
    Invited talk at the workshop on "Nuclear magic numbers: New features far from stability. Confronting theoretical approaches and experiment"
    Espace de Structure Nucléaire Théorique, CEA Saclay, France, 3-5 May 2010.
    (40+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00525560]

  60. Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional Theory: The description and role of fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom in models of nuclear structure based on the self-consistent mean field
    Invited talk at the international symposium on "Forefronts of Researches in Exotic Nuclear Structures"
    held at Tokomachi, Niigata, Japan, 1-4 March 2010.
    (25+5 min) [in2p3-00494576]

  61. Correction for spurious contributions to the Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional
    Invited talk at the EFES-LIA workshop on "The Nuclear Energy Density Functional Method"
    held at RIKEN Nishina Center, Japan, February 26-27 2010.
    (25+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00494571]

  62. Beyond the self-consistent mean field: Explicit treatment of shape fluctuations
    Invited talk at the workshop on "The Lead Radius Experiment and Neutron Rich Matter in Astrophysics and in the Laboratory"
    held at the ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, August 3-7, 2009.
    (25+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [presentations]

  63. The microscopic description of shape coexistence and fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom in the neutron-deficient Z=82 region
    Invited talk at the Arctic FIDIPRO-EFES Workshop
    Saariselkä, Finland April 20-24, 2009.
    (25+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00400222]

  64. "Recent developments in nuclear energy density functional methods"
    Invited talk at the LIA-EFES Workshop on "Low-energy collective excitations in exotic nuclei"
    held at GANIL, Caen, France, March 2-4 2009.
    (35+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00400347]

  65. Multi-reference calculations, where to go?
    FIDIPRO collaboration meeting on nuclear energy-density-functional methods
    held at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, October 9-10 2008.
    [tra nsparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00345616]

  66. Evolution of shell closures in mean-field-based models
    Franco-Japanese Symposium on New Paradigms in Nuclear Physics
    held at Paris September 29th to October 2nd, 2008.
    (15+5 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  67. Recent advances in mean-field-based methods: Explicit treatment of fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom and spectroscopy
    invited talk at the XIIIth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
    held at Cologne, Germany, August 25-29, 2008.
    (25+5 min) [in2p3-00345688]

  68. Treatment of correlations: ''beyond the mean-field''
    invited talk at the "Mass Olympics"
    held at the ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, May 26-30, 2008.
    (30+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00324514]

  69. Advantages and limitations of multi-reference energy density functional calculations
    Workshop on "Cross-fertilization between shell-model and energy density functional methods" [talks]
    held at the Espace the Structure Nucléaire Théorique, DSM/IRFU/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, April 7-11, 2008
    (120 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00324512]

  70. Further remarks on predictions for and the analysis of the shell structure of superheavy elements
    Workshop on "The Structure of the Heaviest Elements"
    held at the University of the West of Scotland (Paisley Campus), 12th March 2008
    (20 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00324511]

  71. Cures to pathologies of multi-reference energy density functional calculations
    "Fondements de la théorie de la fonctionnelle d'énergie en physique nucléaire"
    held at the Espace the Structure Nucléaire Théorique, Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, November 6-7 2007.
    (30+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00345630]

  72. Correction for spurious contributions to energy functionals used in configuration mixing calculations
    First FIDIPRO-JSPS Workshop on Energy Density Functionals in Nuclei
    Keuruu, Finland, October 25-27 2007.
    (30+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00324503]

  73. Recent developments in mean-field theories
    Invited talk at the 2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (FINUSTAR 2)
    Aghios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, September 10-14, 2007.
    (25+5 min) [in2p3-00316013]

  74. Proton-neutron QRPA
    Invited talk at the workshop on Charge Exchange Reactions: structure and mechanism
    Espace the Structure Nucléaire Théorique, Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, June 27-28 2007.
    (50+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00324499]

  75. Ground-state correlations in even-even nuclei
    Workshop on "Correlations in nuclei: beyond mean-field and shell model"
    ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, June 4-8 2007.

  76. Introduction to energy density functional methods
    Workshop on "Correlations in nuclei: beyond mean-field and shell model"
    ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, June 4-8 2007.

  77. The tensor part of the Skyrme energy density functional
    Joint JUSTIPEN-LACM Meeting
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 4-9, 2007.
    [transparancies (pdf file)] [program] [in2p3-00345676]

  78. Shell structure of superheavy nuclei
    Workshop on the "Spectroscopy of transactinide nuclei"
    Espace the Structure Nucléaire Théorique
    Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, January 29 - February 2 2007.
    [transparancies (pdf file)] [in2p3-00324492]

  79. Search for Superheavy Elements - Theory
    Invited talk at the ECOS Town Meeting
    held at Paris, France, October 5-6 2006.
    [transparancies (pdf file)]

  80. Pairing correlations beyond the self-consistent mean field
    Invited talk at the XIII Nuclear Physics Workshop ``Maria and Pierre Curie'' on ``Pairing and beyond - 50 years of the BCS model''
    held at Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, September 27 - October 1, 2006.
    [transparancies (pdf file)]

  81. Configuration mixing of symmetry restored self-consistent mean-field states
    ``XVth Colloque GANIL''
    Giens, France, May 29 - June 2, 2006.
    (20+5min) [transparencies (pdf file)] [interview]

  82. Comments on the influence of effective interactions and correlations on fission barriers
    Workshop on `` Theories of fission and related phenomena''
    ESNT, Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, May 9-12, 2006.
    (45+15min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  83. Going beyond the mean field: Configuration mixing of symmetry-restored mean-field states
    Workshop on ``Going beyond the mean field approximation: Generator Coordinate Method and Bohr Hamiltonian''
    ESNT, Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, February 1-2, 2006.
    (45+15min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  84. Correcting for self-pairing and poles in the particle-number projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method: Results.
    Workshop on ``Pairing Degrees of freedom in nuclei and the nuclear medium''
    held as a part of the program on Nuclear Structure Near the Limits of Stability (INT-05-3)
    Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT), Seattle, Washington, USA, November 14-18, 2005.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  85. Going beyond the mean-field: configuration mixing of symmetry-restored mean-field states
    Workshop on ``Towards a universal density functional for nuclei''
    held as a part of the program on Nuclear Structure Near the Limits of Stability (INT-05-3)
    Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT), Seattle, Washington, USA, September 26-30, 2005.
    (40+10 min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  86. Ground-state correlations and spectroscopy from configuration mixing
    Workshop on ``Récents développements sur le champ moyen et l'appariement''
    Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, June 28 - July 8 2005.
    (40+5 min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  87. Configuration Mixing of symmetry-restored self-consistent mean-field states
    International Workshop on Theoretical Description of the Nuclear Large Amplitude Collective Motion (with a focus on fission)
    Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, March 30-31, 2005.
    (120 min)

  88. Configuration mixing of mean-field states
    Invited talk at the international conference on "NUclear Structure, AStrophysics and Reactions" (NUSTAR'05)
    University of Surrey, Guildford, England, January 5-8, 2005.
    (15+5 min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  89. Ground-state correlations and spectroscopy from configuration mixing of symmetry-restored mean-field states
    Invited talk at the Japanese-German Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics Workshop
    Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany, December 16-18, 2004.
    (25+5 min)

  90. Ground-state correlations from configuration mixing of symmetry-restored self-consistent mean-field states
    21th Meeting between Astrophysicists and Nuclear Physicists
    ULB Bruxelles, Belgium, December 13-14, 2004.
    (20+5 min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  91. Excited states of the mean-field
    Invited talk at the Workshop on "Nuclear Forces and the Quantum Many-Body Problem"
    Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT) Seattle, Washington, USA, October 4-8, 2004.
    (45+15 min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  92. Correlation energies from angular-momentum projection and quadrupole vibrations
    Workshop on "Relativistic Density Functional Theory for Nuclear Structure"
    Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT) Seattle, Washington, USA, September 20-24, 2004.
    (45+15 min) [transparancies (pdf file)]

  93. Microscopic models for exotic nuclei
    Invited talk at ''The Fourth International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses'' (ENAM'04)
    held at Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, September 12-16, 2004.
    (22 min) [transparencies (pdf file)]

  94. Correlation Energies by the Projected Generator Coordinate Method
    Conference on "Nuclei at the Limits" (Limits04)
    Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA, July 26-30, 2004.
    [transparencies (pdf file)]

  95. Ground-state correlations and spectroscopy from configuration mixing of symmetry-restored HFB states
    International Workshop on "Theoretical Description of the Nuclear Large Amplitude Collective Motion"
    Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 17-19, 2004.
    (120+ min)

  96. Spectroscopy of heavy nuclei by configuration mixing of symmetry-restored self-consistent mean-field states
    NUSTAR workshop
    Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany, February 19-21, 2004.

  97. Spectroscopy of heavy nuclei by configuration mixing of symmetry-restored mean-field states
    Nuclear Physics in an European Context
    Ittre, Belgium, October 16-17, 2003.

  98. Beyond-mean-field-model analysis of low-spin normal-deformed and superdeformed collective states of 32S, 36Ar, 38Ar and 40Ca
    Colloque Noyaux Exotiques
    Orsay, France, 17-19 Septembre 2003.

  99. Spectroscopy of heavy nuclei by configuration mixing of symmetry-restored mean-field states
    Invited talk at the Workshop on "Density Functional Theory in Nuclear Structure"
    ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, July 20-26 2003.
    (40+20 min)

  100. Spectroscopy of heavy nuclei by configuration mixing of symmetry restored mean-field states
    "Relativistic structure models for the physics of radioactive nuclear beams"
    307. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physik-Zentrum in Bad Honnef, Germany, May 12-16, 2003.

  101. Mean-field and beyond for exotic nuclei
    Invited talk at the "Nuclear Physics Autumn Retreat 2002
    - Theoretical and Experimental Techniques for the Investigation of Nuclei Far from Stability"
    Manchester, England, September 5-6, 2002.
    (45 min)

  102. Shell effects in the potential landscapes of superheavy nuclei
    Workshop on "Very Heavy Nuclear Systems"
    ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy, July 9-14 2001.

  103. beta-decay of r-process waiting point nuclei in a self-consistent Skyrme-HFB+QRPA approach [transparencies]
    Workshop on "Nuclear Structure for the 21st Century" (INT-00-3)
    Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA, October 26, 2000.

  104. Consequences of the center-of-mass correction in nuclear mean-field models [transparencies]
    Workshop on "Nuclear Structure for the 21st Century" (INT-00-3)
    Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA, October 24, 2000.

  105. Extrapolation of self-consistent mean-field models to superheavy nuclei
    Invited talk at the Workshop on "Fusion Dynamics at the Extremes"
    Dubna, Russia, May 25-27, 2000.

  106. Superheavy Nuclei in Self-Consistent Mean-Field Models
    "Nuclear Shapes and Motions" - A Symposium in Honor of Ray Nix
    Hotel St. Francis, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, October 25-27, 1998.

  107. Exotic nuclei in selfconsistent mean-field models
    Nuclear Structure '98
    Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, August 10-15, 1998.

  108. Superheavy nuclei in selfconsistent calculations
    International Conference on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei
    Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, November 10-15, 1997.

  109. Superheavy nuclei in selfconsistent nuclear calculations
    Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics III
    Tours, France, September 2-5, 1997.

Lectures at Physics Schools

  1. Going beyond the self-consistent mean field with the projected Generator Coordinate Method
    Invited seminar at the Theoretical Nuclear Physics School on "Exotic Nuclei: New Challenges"
    Les Houches, France, May 7-18, 2007.
    (50+10 min) [in2p3-00315997]

Posters presented at international conferences

  1. beta-decay of r-process waiting point nuclei in a self-consistent Skyrme-HFB+QRPA approach
    NAP 2001 - Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics
    GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH), Darmstadt, Germany, May 3-4 2001.

  2. beta-decay of r-process waiting-point nuclei in a self-consistent approach
    1999 Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry
    Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire, U.S.A. June 13-18, 1999.

International conferences, workshops, summer schools attended without presentation

  1. École Internationale Joliot-Curie
    "Nuclei through the looking glass: High intensity stable and ISOL beam frontier"
    held at Fréjus, France, 30th September - 5th October 2012.

  2. École Internationale Joliot-Curie
    Interaction forte dans la matière nucléaire : nouvelles tendances / Strong interaction in the nuclear medium : new trends
    held at Lacanau, France, 27th September - 3rd October 2009.

  3. Highlights in Nuclear Structure for the Diamond Anniversary of Bernard Haas
    held at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, Paris, France, 12-13 May 2008.

  4. RIA Theory Group Annual Meeting
    held during the RIA Users Organization Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, USA, September 10, 2005.

  5. Symposium en l'honneur de Paul Bonche
    Service de Physique Théorique, CEA/Saclay - Orme des Merisiers, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, June 27 2005.

  6. RIA Theory Group Town Meeting
    Chicago, Illinois, USA, 31 October 2004.

  7. The Future of Superheavy Element Research
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, February 17-18, 2004.

  8. First Argonne/MSU/JINA/INT RIA Workshop
    ''The r-process: the astrophysical origin of the heavy elements and related Rare Isotope Acclerator Physics''
    Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA, January 8-10, 2004.

  9. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics at the Limits
    International Workshop XXXI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations
    Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, January 13-18, 2003.

  10. École Internationale Joliot-Curie
    ``Les noyaux éxotiques - un autre regard sur la structure nucléaire'' (transparencies and proceedings)
    Maubouisson, France, 8-14 Septembre 2002.

  11. Workshop on ``Shape Mixing and Modifications in the Nuclear Mean Field with Applications to the Pb Region''
    Gent, Belgium, December 10-11 2001.

  12. GSI workshop on its future facility
    GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH), Darmstadt, Germany, October 18-20 2000.

Talks given at national conferences

  1. Mean-Field and Beyond Mean-Field approaches for nuclear structure (given in french)
    Talk at the Atelier Physique Théorique des deux Infinis
    Organised by the CNRS, France, and held online 7-8 June 2021.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  2. Résumé de la première réunion du groupe et perspectives (with Araceli Lopez-Martens) (given in french)
    Talk at the Assemblée Générale du GDR RESANET, 10-11 December 2018, IPN Orsay, France
    [transparencies (pdf file)].

  3. Mean-field description of deformed states: open questions
    Talk given at the Meeting of Working Group 2 of the GdR Resanet
    held in Caen, France, October 9 2018.
    [transparencies (pdf file)].

  4. Quels degrés de liberté pour quels phénomènes ? L'exemple de la coexistence de forme" (given in french)
    Invited talk at the "Journée SFP-BTPN"
    held at the headquarters of the CNRS, Paris, 21-22 June 2016.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  5. Going "beyond the mean field": Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional theory for atomic nuclei (given in french)
    Workshop "Fédération Physique Théorique et Numérique"
    held at LABRI, Université de Bordeaux, France, 9-10 January 2014.

  6. "Multi-reference energy density functional theory: The description and role of fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom in models of nuclear structure based on self-consistent mean fields" (given in german)
    Invited talk at the 74. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Germany, 15-19 March 2010.
    (25+5 min) [in2p3-00495029]

  7. Round table on energy density functional methods in nuclear physics
    workshop "Les Jeunots en Physique Nucléaire de Basse Energie"
    held at the Espace the Structure Nucléaire Théorique, Dapnia/SPhN, CEA Saclay, France, February 4-6 2008.
    [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00324508]

  8. Termes tensoriels dans l'intéraction nucléaire effective
    Assemblée Générale des Théoriciens de Physique Nucléaire
    SPhT, CEA Saclay, France, June 25-26 2007. [in2p3-00324483]

  9. Mean field and beyond: towards a global model of nuclear structure
    Assemblée Générale des Théoriciens de Physique Nucléaire
    Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg, France, 18-20 Octobre 2006.

  10. Exotic nuclei in self-consistent mean-field models
    Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society
    Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, October 28-31, 1998.

  11. beta decay of neutron rich nuclei in a Skyrme-HFB+QRPA model
    Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society
    Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, October 28-31, 1998.

  12. Lipkin-Nogami-Pairing in selbstkonsistenten Kernstrukturrechnungen,
    Frühjahrstagung des Fachverbandes ``Physik der Hadronen und Kerne'' der DPG,
    Stuttgart, Germany, March 25-29, 1996.

  13. On the existence of superheavy nuclear molecules,
    Spring Meeting of Nuclear Physics Sections of DPG, NNV and BNV/SBP,
    Köln, Germany, March 13-17, 1995.

Invited Seminars

  1. The description and role of fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom in mean-field-based models of nuclear structure
    ISOLDE Seminar, Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN), Genève, Suisse, 4 May 2011.
    [transparencies (pdf)]

  2. Evolution of signatures for shell closures in the framework of self-consistent mean field methods
    Invited seminar, Departemento de Fisica Teorica at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 16 April 2010.
    (50+10 min)

  3. The description and role of fluctuations in collective degrees of freedom in mean-field-based models of nuclear structure
    Invited seminar, Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay, France, 25 November 2009.
    (50+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  4. When, how, and what for to go beyond the self-consistent mean-field?
    Invited seminar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, Poland, April 17 2009.
    (50+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00400324]

  5. When, how, and what for to go beyond the self-consistent mean-field?
    Invited seminar, Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Physics University of Surrey, Guildford, England, March 6 2009.
    (50+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00400325]

  6. When, how, and what for to go beyond the self-consistent mean-field?
    Invited seminar, Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 29 October 2007.
    (50+10 min) [transparencies (pdf)] [in2p3-00345644]

  7. Tensor terms in the Skyrme energy density functional
    Nuclear Physics Research Discussion at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University (MSU)
    East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 15 March 2007.
    (60 min) [in2p3-00345652]

  8. Configuration mixing of symmetry restored self-consistent mean-field states
    Seminar, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan 7 September 2006.
    (60 min) [transparencies (pdf)]

  9. Ground-state correlations and spectroscopy from configuration mixing of symmetry-restored mean-field states
    Seminar, Nuclear Structure Laboratory, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 14 February 2005.

  10. Spectroscopy of heavy nuclei by configuration mixing of symmetry-restored self-consistent mean-field states
    Theory Group lunch talk at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University (MSU),
    East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 16 January 2004.

  11. Mean field and beyond for exotic nuclei
    Seminar at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University (MSU),
    East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 15 January 2004.

  12. Gamov-Teller resonances, beta-decay, and the spin-isospin channel of the Skyrme energy functional
    Seminar, Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 25 September 2002.

  13. Struktur exotischer Kerne mit selbstkonsistenten Mean-Field-Modellen
    (Self-consistent mean-field models for exotic nuclear structure)
    Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 18 February 2002.

  14. beta-decay of r-process waiting-point nuclei and the spin-isospin channel in self-consistent mean-field models
    Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, Poland, 23 May 2001.

  15. Time-odd couplings in the Skyrme energy functional and their influence on rotational bands, spin resonances and nuclear beta decay
    Seminar, Institut de Recherches Subatomiques (IReS) Strasbourg, France, 4 May 2000.

  16. New results on Superheavy Elements from self-consistent models,
    Seminar, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)
    Darmstadt, Germany, 1 September 1999.

  17. Exotische Kerne - Eine Herausforderung für Kernstrukturmodelle
    Seminar, Institut für Kernchemie
    Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany, 11 January 1999.

  18. Elements of Skyrme-Hartree-Fock models and 'Bulk properties' of heavy nuclei,
    Mass-Group Seminar, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)
    Darmstadt, Germany, 5 January 1999.

  19. Pairing in nuclear mean-field models
    Seminar, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, 2 October 1998.

  20. Magische Zahlen superschwerer Kerne in selbstkonsistenten Modellen: Bleibt 114 eine magische Protonenzahl?
    Seminar, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)
    Darmstadt, Germany, 12 November 1996.

  21. Pairing in self-consistent nuclear structure models,
    Seminar, Institut für Theoretische Physik II
    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 30 November 1995.

Internal seminars (recent ones only)

[future] [international conferences, symposia & workshops] [national conferences & workshops] [participations] [physics schools] [posters] [invited seminars] [internal seminars]

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